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Abstract #0534

Pushing the limits of short-T2 MRI: 200 mT/m gradient strength and 2 MHz bandwidth

Romain Froidevaux1, Markus Weiger1, Manuela Barbara Rösler1, David Otto Brunner1, Bertram Wilm1, Benjamin Dietrich1, Jonas Reber1, and Klaas Paul Pruessmann1

1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zurich and University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

MRI of tissues with short transverse relaxation times below 1 millisecond such as bone or myelin raises both scientific and clinical interest. However, achieving high spatial resolution for short-T2 signals is challenging as large gradient strengths are required. Furthermore, large G implies high signal bandwidth, thus increasing the demands for short-T2 imaging techniques. Therefore, currently, short-T2 imaging faces significant restrictions with respect to spatial resolution and accessible T2s. In this work, all these challenges are tackled to expand the limits of short-T2 MRI using large G up to 200 mT/m and high BW up to 2 MHz.

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