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Abstract #0174

An empirical $$$B^-_1$$$ Non-uniformity Correction of Phased-Array Coil Images without Measuring Coil Sensitivity

Frederick C Damen1 and Kejia Cai1

1Radiology, University of Illinois at Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, IL, United States

Radio Frequency (RF) receiving coil arrays improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and enable partial parallel imaging. However, these benefits often come at the cost of image non-uniformity. $$$B^-_1$$$ non-uniformity correction techniques are confounded by signal that not only varies due to coil induced $$$B^-_1$$$ sensitivity, but also due to true signal variations in proton density, susceptibility, and relaxation rates. Herein, we propose an empirical method that produces a $$$B^-_1$$$ non-uniformity-corrected complex image from the phased-array coil images themselves using minimal assumptions and without measuring the coil sensitivities. This method is validated using MRI of the abdomen, brain, and a homogeneous phantom.

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