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Abstract #5618

Comparison of direct 13C and indirect 1H-[13C] MR detection methods for the study of dynamic metabolic turnover in the human brain

Hao Chen1, Henk M De Feyter1, Peter B Brown1, Douglas L Rothman1, and Robin A de Graaf1

1MRRC, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States

A wide range a direct 13C and indirect 1H-[13C] MR detection methods exist to probe dynamic metabolic pathways in the human brain. Choosing an optimal detection method is difficult as sequence-specific features regarding spectral resolution, power requirements and sensitivity complicate a straightforward comparison. Here we combine density matrix simulations with experimentally determined values for intrinsic 1H and 13C sensitivity, T1 and T2 relaxation and transmit efficiency to allow selection of an optimal 13C MR detection method for a given application and magnetic field.

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braindetectionhumantransmitdecouplingfieldpowerindirectsensitivitycoildirectefficiencyin vivospectroscopy