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Abstract #5578

The effect of variable amniotic fluid conductivity and fetal tissues properties on B1+ and local SAR for fetal imaging at 3T

Shaihan J Malik1, Jeffrey W Hand1, and Joseph V Hajnal1

1Division of Imaging Sciences & Biomedical Engineering, King's College London, London, United Kingdom

Effects on B1+ and local specific absorption rate of varying the conductivity of fetal tissues and amniotic fluid ($$$\sigma_{AF}$$$) in a model of a 7 month pregnant woman within a 3T birdcage coil are investigated numerically. Results indicate that a realistic value of $$$\sigma_{AF}$$$ is required to estimate power to produce a chosen B1+ in the fetus and fetal SAR10g. Fetal properties adjusted for gestational age impact on B1+ and result in increased fetal SAR10g compared to adult value based simulations. Smaller changes in SAR10g are predicted between detailed fetal models and homogeneous ones with volume weighted average dielectric properties.

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