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Abstract #5448

Sensitivity of the transfer function on the dielectric properties of the surrounding media: a case study

Mikhail Kozlov1,2 and Wolfgang Kainz3

1MR:comp GmbH, Gelsenkirchen, Germany, 2Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 3Division of Biomedical Physics, U.S. FDA, CDRH, Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories, Silver Spring, MD, United States

In this case study we show the dependence of the lead transfer function and the RF-induced power deposition (P) on the presence of heterogeneous tissues around of the lead tip. Depending on the lead length, our results shows a dramatic non-linear dependence of P on a small volume of a different tissue surrounding the lead tip, i.e., a fatty pocket, when using a TF derived in a homogeneous media. Thus, using TFs derived in a homogeneous media can result in large systematic errors in predicting P, and consequently the lead tip heating, of AIMDs inside a human body.

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