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Abstract #5395

Fluctuations of the EEG-fMRI correlation reflect intrinsic strength of functional connectivity in default mode network

Tuija Keinänen1,2, Seppo Rytky2, Vesa Korhonen1, Juha Nikkinen3, Osmo Tervonen1, Matias Palva4, and Vesa Kiviniemi1

1Diagnostic Radiology, Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland, 2Clinical Neurophysiology, Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland, 3Oncology and Radiotherapy, Oulu University Hospital, 4Neuroscience Center, University of Helsinki

Resting-state networks (RSN) functional connectivity has shown to be temporally dynamic in the brain. Also the correlations between infra slow fluctuations in electroencephalography (EEG) and blood oxygen level-dependent signal have shown dynamic variability over time. Here, we used simultaneous EEG-fMRI with ultra-fast magnetic resonance encephalography to study the link between the variations of these correlations and variations in RSN functional connectivity. The results suggest that the correlation strength is markedly linked to the strength of underlying functional connectivity. This leads to low correlations when averaged over a long period, high momentary synchrony can be reached due to intrinsic RSN dynamics.

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