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Abstract #5176

Influence of temporal resolution on liver perfusion using golden-angle radial sparse parallel MRI

Nikolaos S Kallistis1, Kai Tobias Block2, Robert Grimm3, Hersh Chandarana2, Ian Rowe1, and Steven P Sourbron4

1Leeds Institute of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom, 2School of Medicine, New York University, New York, NY, United States, 3Siemens AG Healthcare MR, Erlangen, Germany, 4Leeds Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom

Golden-angle radial sparse parallell (GRASP) MRI uses temporal regularization in the reconstruction, which risks distorting temporal profiles and reducing DCE-MRI parameter accuracy and precision. The aim of this study is to investigate this issue for liver DCE-MRI by measuring kinetic parameters on data reconstructed at variable temporal resolution. The results depend on temporal resolution according to well-known patterns also observed in simulations and fully sampled data. A systematic error remains at the highest temporal resolution, but this is more likely due to well-known issues of signal saturation. Image reconstruction at lower temporal resolution risks degrading diagnostic image quality due to the mixing of images with different contrast. We conclude that: (1) temporal regularization in GRASP is unlikely to induce significant error in kinetic parameters; (2) images should be reconstructed at high temporal resolution around 2-4s.

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