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Abstract #5113

Long-term prognostic value of whole-body MRI fat fraction signal changes following initial Bortezomib treatment of patients with multiple myeloma

Arash Latifoltojar1, Margaret Hall-Craggs1, Alan Bainbridge2, Neil Rabin2, Rakesh Popat1, Ali Rismani2, Kwee Yong1, and Shonit Punwani1

1University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2University College London Hospital, United Kingdom

Quantitative MRI assessment of treatment response using advanced novel imaging techniques have shown promises for monitoring outcome in patients with symptomatic multiple myeloma (MM), undergoing intensive chemotherapy.

In this work we are investiagting the potential of whole-body mDixon MRI's signal fat fraction early changes as a prognostic imaging biomarker for long-term follow-up of MM patients.

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