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Abstract #4922

Early enhancement heterogeneity and density on ultrafast bilateral DCE-MRI may differentiate benign and malignant breast lesions

Federico Pineda1, Naoko Mori2, Hiroyuki Abe1, David Schacht1, and Gregory Karczmar1

1Radiology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States, 2Tohoku University

Heterogeneity of enhancement has been shown to be a marker for malignancy in breast DCE-MRI, however standard dynamic protocols typically have low temporal resolution (60 to 90 seconds). Fast protocols have the advantage of accurately measuring early lesion kinetics. Heterogeneity of lesion enhancement in the first time-point (6 to 9 seconds) after arterial enhancement in the breast differed significantly between malignant and benign lesions; differences were not significant at later time-points.

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