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Abstract #4860

Evaluation of unilateral obstructive uropathy using co-polarized 13C-pyruvate and 13C-urea

Per Mose Nielsen1, Rikke Nørregaard2, and Christoffer Laustsen1

1MR Research Centre, Skejby University hospital, Aarhus N, Denmark, 2Clinical institute, Skejby University hospital, Aarhus N, Denmark

Unilateral obstructive uropathy (UUO) is a cause of acute kidney injury and can also lead to chronic kidney diseases. A common cause for UUO is kidney stones and is also often the cause of end-stage renal diseases in children because of congenital development defects. Here we used a unilateral obstruction model with obstruction release after 5 days, and injection of co-polarized 13C-pyruvate and 13C-urea 2 days after release. We saw a marked elevation in lactate/pyruvate ration in the UUO kidney of the animals and also a reduction of approx. 50% in kidney blodflow measured by 13C-urea. The mechanisms involved must be investigated further. We believe that injection of co-polarized 13C-pyruvate and 13C-urea can be used as a clinical tool to follow kidney metabolic status and blodflow after surgical release of ureter obstruction.

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