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Abstract #4805

Full 3D high-resolution BOLD imaging of the human placenta with prospective navigation and 2D spatially selective excitation

Glen R. Morrell1, Matthias C. Schabel2, Robert M. Silver3, Christopher D. Kroenke2, and Antonio E. Frias2

1Radiology and Imaging Sciences, University of Utah, Cottonwood Heights, UT, United States, 2Oregon Health & Science University, 3Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Utah

Full 3D high-resolution human placenta BOLD imaging at 3T was performed with a free-breathing prospectively navigated sequence using 2D spatially selective excitation. Advantages of this sequence over conventional multi-slice breath hold BOLD include increased SNR, no breath hold recovery periods leading to better time efficiency, and elimination of artifacts from respiratory and fetal motion. T2* maps clearly show the cotyledon architecture of the human placenta.

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