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Abstract #4771

The Myocardial Feature Tracking of LA, LV and RV: Age-related in Normal Chinese

Junping Peng1, Mingwu Lou2, Lei Zhao3, Zhanming Fan3, Xiaohai Ma3, Liang Zhong4, Xiaodan Zhao4, Hui Chen3, Zheng Wang3, and Shuang Leng4

1Department of Radiology, Shenzhen Longgang District Center Hospital, Shenzhen, People's Republic of China, 2Department of Radiology, 3Department of Radiology, Beijing Anzhen Hospital,Capital Medical University, 4National Heart Centre Singapore

To quantify the age-related global cardiac deformation, GLS and GCS derived from feature-tracking cardiovascular magnetic resonance were measured using post-processing software in 81 healthy Chinese volunteers. It was found that age significantly influenced GLS of LV and LA. This is an important indicator for further research of quantitation MR Myocardial Feature Tracking.

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