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Abstract #4755

Non-rigid Groupwise Image Registration for Myocardial Strain Quantification from High-Resolution 3D Tagging

Valery Vishnevskiy1, Christian Stoeck1, and Sebastian Kozerke1

1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Cardiac motion can be efficiently assessed using 3D-tagged MR sequences for diagnostic purposes. However, there is a lack of robust post-processing tools to derive regional motion and strain data. Current registration methods tend to underestimate radial strain in the left ventricle. In order to provide accurate strain estimates we leverage temporal smoothness of displacements and low-rank structure of aligned images. The herein proposed method is 38% more accurate for radial strain, 27% for circumferential strain and 25% for longitudinal strain estimation than state-of-the-art registration implemented in Elastix while increasing computational speed by a factor of six.

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strainregistrationradialcardiacdotsproposedtaggingtextmyocardialdisplacementin vivolambdasyntheticcircumferentiallongitudinalmotionspatialaccuratemedicalregularizationresolution