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Abstract #4724

Semi-automatic Analysis of Carotid Plaque Composition from Multicontrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Chien-Yuan Eddy Lin1,2, Ai-Chi Chen1, Liang-Yu Shyu3, Yen-Chien Wu4, David Yen-Ting Chen4, Ying-Chi Tseng4, and Chi-Jen Chen4

1GE Healthcare, Taipei, Taiwan, 2GE Healthcare MR Research China, Beijing, People's Republic of China, 3Biomedical Engineering Department, Chung Yuan Christian University, Chungli, Taiwan, 4Department of Radiology, Taipei Medical University - Shuang Ho Hospital, New Taipei City, Taiwan

Accurate tracking of plaque composition would be very useful clinically to determine the status of atherosclerosis and to understand the potential risk under myocardial infraction, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease. We developed a semi-automatic software to evaluate the carotid plaque types using four contrast-weighted MRI (pre- and post-contrast T1-weighted, time-of-flight, T2-weighted). Working with the proposed software with the minimal operator input reduces the process time of plaque component identification and minimizes the possibility of random and systematic errors. As a result, proposed software is capable of assisting the radiologist/clinician in imaging interpretation and decision-making in managing carotid artery atherosclerosis.

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