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Abstract #4319

The potential of a 256-Channel receive-only Array Coil for accelerated Cardiac Imaging at 3T

Bernhard Gruber1,2, Arjan D. Hendriks 1, Cezar B.S. Alborahal3, Bas Brussen3, Tim Leiner1, Gustav Strijkers1, Dennis W. J. Klomp1,3, and Martijn Froeling1

1Department of Radiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Institute of Biomedical Mechatronics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, 3MR Coils B.V., Zaltbommel, Netherlands

High-density coil arrays can be used to accelerate MRI. Here we present the results from measurement-based extrapolations of a 256 Channel Cardiac Array Coil obtained by 16 sequential scans of a 16 Channel Array to assess acceleration performance and sensitivity constraints for 3T MRI. With element sizes of 55 mm x 33 mm, tissue load remains dominant at the 3T Larmor frequency of water, while SENSE accelerations can go up to 20-fold at low g-factors. These results motivate the design of a 256 channel cardiac array for accelerated 3T MRI.

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