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Abstract #4281

The Twisted Solenoid RF Phase Gradient Transmit Coil for TRASE Imaging

Stephanie Yong1, Boguslaw Tomanek2, and Jonathan C. Sharp2

1Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 2Oncology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada

TRASE is a k-space encoding method that uses RF transmit phase gradient fields to achieve mm-level resolution. However, image quality is critically dependent upon the efficient generation of B1 fields with uniform magnitude and strong phase gradients. We present a new family of phase gradient coil designs based upon a solenoid twisted about a transverse axis. Four twisted solenoids wound on a single cylindrical former are sufficient to encode two spatial dimensions. The design has many attractive geometric, electrical and magnetic characteristics, including the ability to encode in the B0-direction, previously not possible for transverse-B0 magnet geometries.

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