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Abstract #4079

Ultra high resolution MR histology using ROI-extraction and SNR efficient gradient echo imaging

Joseph Guy1,2, Robin Franklin3, Kevin Brindle1, and Daniel Reich2

1Biochemistry, Cambridge University, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2Translational Neuroradiology Section, National Institute of Neurologic Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, MD, United States, 3Clinical Neuroscience, Cambridge University, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Custom-built solenoid coils and 3D-printed rat brain slicers were used to identify and extract surgically placed inflammatory regions of interest within rat brains. The sequentially smaller and more sensitive coils combined with a highly-optimized gradient echo sequence, imaging setup, and registration algorithm achieved ultra high 25 µm isotropic resolution 3D MRI datasets. These images contained fully sampled k-space of the tissue pathology with preservation of the high frequency image details.

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