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Abstract #3958

Triple Quantum Filtering in Sodium Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Strongly Modulated Pulses

Aliaksandra Shymanskaya1, Wieland A. Worthoff1, and N. Jon Shah1,2

1Institut of Neuroscience and Medicine - 4, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany, 2Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, JARA, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany

23Na-MRI can be used for non-invasive investigation of metabolic disease, based on discrimination between sodium signals arising from different tissue compartments due to development of multiple quantum coherences mainly in intracellular space. Strongly modulated pulses in NMR and MRI can be created using optimal control design to generate the most efficient transfer between the initial and target states of the nuclear spin ensemble, defined by the density matrix formalism. The Krotov algorithm and its implementation by Maximov of the optimal control design were used to modify the first hard RF pulse in the SISTINA sequence.

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