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Abstract #3904

High-Dynamic-Range High-SNR B1+ Mapping Using Multiple Cyclic MR Signals

Mélina Bouldi1, Tatiana Nemtanu2,3, and Jan M Warnking2,3

1Département Ingénierie des Equipements de Travail, INRS, Nancy, France, 2U1216, Inserm, Grenoble, France, 3Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France

A method is presented to perform B1+-mapping simultaneously with high dynamic range and high SNR by optimally combining data from acquisitions with different acquisition parameters. Reconstruction of the B1+-maps is performed using dictionary matching methods. This approach is applicable to various B1+-mapping sequences. Examples based on the AFI sequence are shown in both numeric simulations and a phantom experiment in the presence of a severe B1+ hot-spot. The performance of the proposed methods largely exceeds that of classic AFI sequences, simultaneously matching low-flip-angle acquisitions in dynamic range and high-flip-angle acquisitions in SNR, at identical acquisition times.

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