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Abstract #3849

Improved unbiased multi-slice T1 measurement with compressed-sensing assisted variable-repetition-delay turbo-spin echo acquisition for ultra-high field preclinical applications

DongKyu Lee1, Sohyun Han1, and HyungJoon Cho1

1Bio-medical Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Ulsan, Korea, Republic of

The benefits of compressed-sensing (CS) assisted turbo-spin-echo (TSE), i.e. CS-TSE, acquisition for variable-repetition-delay T1 measurement were investigated with two-dimensional multi-slice ex vivo and in vivo T1 mappings at 7T preclinical scanner. The direct advantages resulting from replacing the refocusing pulses of TSE with CS acceleration included reduced scan times for multi-slice coverage and minimization of inter-slice interferences, which are all required in order to improve the accuracy of multi-slice T1 measurement.

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slicein vivoacquisitionsacquisitionturbomappingcompressedkidney