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Abstract #2797

Unenhanced Peripheral MRA with Robust Background Suppression using Chemical-Shift-Encoded Single-Slab 3D GRASE: Decomposition of Angiogram and Fatty Backgrounds

Byungjae Hwang1,2, Hahnsung Kim1, Seong-Gi Kim1,2, and Jaeseok Park1

1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea, Republic of, 2Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Suwon, Korea, Republic of

Unenhanced peripheral MRA, which is based on cardiac-gated fresh blood imaging, exploits a pulsatile nature of arterial blood flow to differentiate arteries from veins and stationary backgrounds by subtracting two sets of images in cardiac diastole and systole, respectively. However, background signals remain substantial after subtraction due to either varying R-R intervals in between the two cardiac phases or subject motion, potentially obscuring the delineation of angiograms. Under the hypothesis that most of bright background signals result from fatty tissues, we develop a novel, unenhanced peripheral MRA method with robust background suppression using chemical-shift-encoded single-slab 3D GRASE to decompose angiograms and fatty background tissues directly from the subtracted, undersampled k-space data between the dual cardiac phases under the framework of compressed sensing.

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