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Abstract #2712

SWIFT imaging for hyperpolarized xenon in ultra-low field MRI

Takenori Oida1, Yuki Kaga1, Tetsuya Yamamoto1, and Tetsuo Kobayashi1

1Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Graduate school of Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

ULF-MRI is one of the recent imaging techniques. Since a polarization rate of hyperpolarized xenon is independent of B0, hyperpolarized xenon is suitable for ULF-MRI. A xenon imaging using SWIFT has been proposed by Nakamura et al. to reduce the decay caused by the xenon's diffusion. In this study, we assess the effectiveness of the SWIFT pulse sequence for hyperpolarized xenon imaging in ULF-MRI. The simulation results showed that we could obtain the hyperpolarized xenon images with the SWIFT approach in ULF-MRI and reconstructed images were improved by the oversampling in readout direction and wide bandwidth.

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