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Abstract #2643

Resolving Local SAR In Vitro from RF-Field Induced Heating of a 5.0 cm Long Titanium Rod at 64 MHz and 128 MHz

Krzysztof Wawrzyn1, John Drozd1, Jack Hendriks1, William B. Handler1, and Blaine A. Chronik1

1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Western University, London, ON, Canada

A methodology is developed relating the RF-induced temperature rise for an elongated conductive 5.0 cm long titanium reference rod to the local SAR produced by the incident electric field in the rods absence. Local SAR values at various spatial probing distributions in a gel filled phantom torso were systematically resolved and assessed at 64 MHz and 128 MHz using two different RF birdcage coils. A calibrated commercial E-field RMS probe and conventional standardized 10.0 cm long titanium rod were both used to validate the approach, showing good agreement. The 5.0 cm long rod shows promise as an additional approach for experimentally determining local SAR.

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