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Abstract #2059

Phosphorus MRSI reveals subtle changes in metabolic profile of hepatic tissue in insulin resistant population.

Lorenz Pfleger1,2, Peter Wolf1, Martin Gajdošík1,2, Sabina Smajiš1, Marek Chmelík3, Anton Luger1, Siegfried Trattnig2, Michael Krebs1, and Martin Krššák1,2

1Endocrinology & Metabolism, Internal Medicine III, Medical University of Vienna, Wien, Austria, 2High-field MR Centre, Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy, Medical University of Vienna, Wien, Austria, 3Clinical Molecular Imaging, Karl Landsteiner Institute, Wien, Austria

This study employed ultra-high field (7T) 1H and 31P MRS for the characterization of subtle hepatic tissue changes in insulin sensitive and insulin resistant group of healthy volunteers. Hepatic lipids, the forward rate of ATP synthesis and profile of metabolites containing 31P were assessed. Decreased inorganic phosphate was found in the subgroup of volunteers with increased hepatic fat accumulation and increased phosphocholine was found in the insulin sensitive subgroup. Concentration of 31P containing metabolites found here are well within the range of previous publications and subtle differences point towards their role in pathophysiology of metabolic syndrome and/or hepatic steatosis.

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