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Abstract #1607

Characterization of Through-Plane and In-Plane Artifacts using a 3D-Printed Grid Phantom with an Embedded Metal Hip Implant

Gregory Hong1,2, Matthew G Teeter1,3, Jaques S Milner1, Steven I Pollmann1, Maria Drangova1,2, and David W Holdsworth1,2,3

1Robarts Research Institute, London, ON, Canada, 2Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada, 3Department of Surgery, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada

Metal Artifact Reduction (MAR) is required for orthopedic imaging near implants. Novel MAR techniques have been developed in the past decade, creating a need for quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of geometric distortion correction. We have developed a 3D-printed modular conformal grid phantom, consisting of a grid of regularly spaced spherical markers. This phantom provides a measure of inherent field inhomogeneity, and contains a conformal cavity in which a metal object can be embedded. This approach provides a means to characterize through-plane and in-plane artifacts across a 3D volume, facilitating testing and validation of novel MAR techniques during development.

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