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Abstract #1525

Distortion Correction in Readout-Segmented EPI using View Angle Tilting Combined with Phase Modulated RF Pulse

Wei Liu1, Kun Zhou1, and Fang Dong1

1Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd, Shenzhen, People's Republic of China

The VAT technique has been applied in ss-EPI to eliminate the distortion along the phase encoding direction. However the long echo spacing in ss-EPI will lead to more phase errors introduced by B0 inhomogeneity and require more VAT gradient, which results an increasing image blurring and limits the spatial resolution. The rs-EPI features much shorter echo spacing compared with ss-EPI, which could be much suitable for VAT. In this study, the VAT technique is integrated into a rs-EPI sequence to further improve the distortion. In addition, phase modulated pulse is used to reduce the image blurring caused by VAT.

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