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Abstract #1497

Territorial Arterial Spin Labeling by Using Asymmetrically RF-shimmed Labeling Pulse with 4-channel RF Transmit at 3T

Kosuke Ito1, Atsushi Kuratani1, Nobuyuki Yoshizawa1, and Masahiro Takizawa1

1Healthcare Business Unit, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan

Territorial ASL (tASL) using asymmetrically RF-shimmed labeling pulse was proposed. By using 4-channel RF transmit coil, spatially asymmetric transmission was applied to pCASL pulse. Proposed method does not require longer duration of RF pulse. Also, by using knowledge of B1 map, appropriate scaling was applied to the tASL image, and labeling efficiency was consistent between nonselective ASL and tASL. Proposed method was implemented to a 3T MRI system, and demonstrated tASL in-vivo by a volunteer study. tASL of RICA, LICA, and VBA was imaged.

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