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Abstract #1374

Waveguide Effects in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Elastography: A Finite Element Study

Armando Manduca1, Timothy L Rossman2, David S Lake1, Kevin J Glaser3, Arvin Arani3, Shivaram P Arunachalam3, Phillip J Rossman3, Joshua D Trzasko3, Dan Dragomir-Daescu2, Richard L Ehman3, and Philip A Araoz3

1Physiology and Biomedical Engineering, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 2Division of Engineering, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 3Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States

MR elastography is increasingly being applied to thin or small structures in which wave propagation is dominated by waveguide effects, which can bias stiffness results with common processing approaches. Finite element simulations of a realistic cardiac geometry were used to investigate the importance of waveguide effects, and to study the ability of the curl operator to remove these effects. The results establish that waveguide effects in a cardiac geometry can strongly bias stiffness results, but can be correctly handled by application of the curl operator to the measured displacement field, followed by true 3D inversion.

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