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Abstract #1281

Estimating the bias associated with image registration in MRI

Riccardo Metere1, Pierre-Louis Bazin1, and Harald E. Möller1

1NMR Unit, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany

The most promising techniques for understanding the biophysical basis of the MRI signals rely on combining multi-modal quantitative maps as a source of spatially-resolved information. If the MRI maps are not obtained from simultaneous acquisitions, they need to be co-registered in order to ensure a consistent localization of the signal sources for pixel-by-pixel fitting. However, the effects of the co-registration step are notoriously difficult to quantify. Here, we present a method for investigating the bias associated with co-registration for different quantitative MRI acquisitions, and outline the relevance of these biases for multi-parameter analysis.

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