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Abstract #0755

Development and Clinical Implementation of Very Light Weight and Highly Flexible AIR Technology Arrays

Shreyas S Vasanawala1, Robert Stormont2, Scott Lindsay2, Thomas Grafendorfer2, Joseph Y Cheng1, John M Pauly3, Michael Lustig4, Greig Scott3, Jorge X Guzman2, Victor Taracila2, Daniel Chirayath2, and Fraser Robb2

1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2GE Healthcare, 3Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, 4Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UC Berkeley

Pediatric body MRI faces challenges of widely varying patient sizes, heterogenous imaging indications, and limited patient cooperation. These difficulties are compounded by receiver array coils that are often mismatched to patients’ size. In this work, we develop a novel light-weight flexible coil array that can be placed on a patient, and combined with a high-density posterior array and determine feasibility of clinical use in a pediatric setting. The resulting coil is well received in the clinic and yields good image quality.

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