Our objective was to assess the performance of eight highly k-t accelerated non-gated free-breathing aortic 4D flow MRI measurements acquired in under 2 minutes (PEAK GRAPPA R=5; TRes=67.2ms; four ky-kz-space Cartesian fillings: linear, center-out, out-center-out, random; two spatial resolutions=3.5x2.3x2.6mm3, 4.5x2.3x2.6mm3), both in vitro and in 10 healthy volunteers. Despite lower image quality, the significantly shorter k-t accelerated datasets provided aortic hemodynamic indices in agreement with conventional respiratory-gated 4D flow measurements. Differences were non-significant when using linear and out-center-out k-space samplings (absolute differences≤22%). In conclusion, aortic 4D flow MRI in under 2 minutes is feasible with moderate underestimation of flow indices.
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