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Abstract #0107

Chemo-fMRI: a DREADD-based approach to unravel the brainwide substrates of neuromodulation

Andrea Giorgi1,2, Giacomo Maddaloni1, Alberto Galbusera2, Sara Migliarini1, Marta Gritti3, Raffaella Tonini3, Massimo Pasqualetti1,2, and Alessandro Gozzi2

1Biology Department, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, 2Functional Neuroimaging Laboratory, Center for Neuroscience and Cognitive Systems, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Rovereto, Italy, 3Neuroscience and Brain Technologies Department, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, Italy

Notable examples of the combined use of optogenetics an fMRI (i.e. “opto-fMRI”) have been recently published, revealing the possibility to map the brainwide substrates modulated by focal neuronal population. However, opto-fMRI is complicated by the use of invasive cranial implants, and the need to control the insidious contribution of heat-induced hemodynamic–responses. Here we show that “chemo-fMRI”, e.g. the combined us of DREADD-based chemogenetics and fMRI, permits to overcome these limitations, by enabling non invasive brainwide mapping of tonically-stimulated neuromodulatory systems. Chemo-fMRI mapping of serotonin-producing neurons is described as an illustrative example of the power of this novel investigational approach.

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