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Abstract #0102

Assessment of uterine artery hemodynamics in normal pregnancy with 4D Flow MRI

Eileen Hwuang1, Marta Vidorreta1, Nadav Schwartz1, John A Detre1, Daniel Licht2, and Walter RT Witschey1

1University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, United States

In vivo imaging of uterine artery blood flow during remodeling is potentially valuable in assessing placental function during pregnancy. We present 4D flow MRI of the uterine arteries, demonstrating inter- and intrasubject heterogeneity in vessel anatomy and hemodynamics. This high spatial resolution, multi-location approach potentially addresses the limitations of Doppler ultrasound in quantifying pulsatility and resistance indices as clinical biomarkers of placental health.

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