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Abstract #0016

The effects of B1+ correction of MP2RAGE on estimating cortical thickness and T1 at 7T

Roy Haast1, Dimo Ivanov1, Elia Formisano1, and Kâmil Uludağ1

1Department of Cognitive Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands

B1+ inhomogeneities can significantly affect the quantitative T1 values derived from MP2RAGE data and also automatic tissue classification, in particular in the inferior temporal and frontal lobes. Here, we investigated the effects of post-hoc correction at 7T on the T1 and apparent cortical thickness using a B1+ map for the residual transmit inhomogeneities in MP2RAGE data. We found that B1+ correction reduces these inhomogeneities leading to (1) a lower inter-subject variability, (2) enhanced localization of the GM-CSF border and (3) more accurate cortical thickness measurements.

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