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Abstract #3415

Longitudinal relationship between cerebrovascular reactivity and processing speed in young and elderly individuals

Shin-Lei Peng1,2, Xi Chen3, Yang Li1, Karen Rodrigue3, Yamei Cheng4, Denise Park3, and Hanzhang Lu1

1Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan, 3University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas, TX, United States, 4University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States

Processing speed is a fundamental building block of cognition that declines reliably with age. Therefore, the goals of this study were to examine whether changes in cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) to CO2 inhalation, a marker of cerebrovascular function, is associated with changes in processing speed. the results showed that, In elderly, but not young individuals, the rate of change in CVR over four years predicted decline in processing speed, indicating that declines in vascular brain health contribute to changes in the information processing speed in older but not young and middle-aged adults.

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