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Abstract #2566

PETRA quiet MRA: Improved Robustness with 3D Elastic Cross-Registration

Yutaka Natsuaki1, Robert Grimm2, Xiaoming Bi1, David Grodzki2, Peter Schmitt2, and Gerhard Laub1

1Siemens Healthcare, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany

Previously, Ultra-Short TE sequences and their subtraction-based non-contrast MR angiography (e.g. PETRA qMRA) have shown promising results in intracranial applications, in particular with tortuous carotid arteries that has been problematic for the current clinical gold standard 3D Time Of Flight (TOF). As with any subtraction based MRA techniques, PETRA qMRA is also sensitive to motion occurred in subsequent acquisitions. The current work demonstrates that the proposed 3D elastic cross-registration can solve this limitation for the PETRA qMRA, and it takes to the next level in motion robustness and in the highest attainable isotropic resolution.

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