Abstract #4196
Musculoskeletal MR-Imaging in fracture dating
Katharina Baron 1 , Bernhard Neumayer 1 , Thomas Widek 1 , Sylvia Scheicher 1 , Eva Maria Hassler 2 , Fritz Schick 3 , and Eva Scheurer 1
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for
Clinical-Forensic Imaging (LBI-CFI), Graz, Styria,
of Radiology, Medical University of Graz, Styria,
and Interventional Radiology, Eberhard-Karls-University
Tbingen, Baden-Wrttemberg, Germany
The determination of the time frame of fracture healing
is of particular interest in the field of clinical
forensic examinations of child abuse, but can also be
applied to accident reconstructions and medical
investigations regarding bone healing. The preliminary
results of this clinical study indicate that the
determination of the quantitative parameters T1, T2, and
MTR is a promising method for an accurate determination
of fracture healing phases. Provided that the discovered
characteristics are confirmed for a larger number of
volunteers this will allow for the application in an
improved, objective estimation of the age of a fracture.
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