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Abstract #4172

T1 Voxel Based Relaxometry for the Local Evaluation of the Knee Cartilage

Valentina Pedoia 1 , Favian Su 1 , Deepak Kumar 1 , Richard Souza 1 , Benjamin Ma 1 , Xiaojuan Li 1 , and Sharmila Majumdar 1

1 UCSF, San Francisco, California, United States

T1rho MRI quantitative assessment of cartilage degenerative change is usually addressed through ROI-based approaches considering T1rho mean as descriptor. However, previous studies showed that spatially assessing T1rho using laminar and texture analyses could lead to better and probably earlier identification of cartilage matrix abnormalities. Voxel Based Relaxometry (VBR) is a technique that could potentially be used for investigating local cartilage microstructural composition. In this study we show the use of VBR to study the knee cartilage. VBR showed the capability to detect specific local patterns of T1ρ increase that maybe potentially useful for a more accurate analysis and disease phenotyping

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