Abstract #4135
Prospective Evaluation of Contrast-Enhanced MRI for Non-traumatic, Non-appendicitis Acute Abdomen with Direct Comparison to MDCT
Candice A. Bookwalter 1 , Michael D. Repplinger 1,2 , Perry J. Pickhardt 1 , Jessica B. Robbins 1 , Timothy J. Ziemlewicz 1 , Douglas Kitchin 1,3 , and Scott B. Reeder 1,4
Department of Radiology, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States,
of Emergency Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Madison, Wisconsin, United States,
Mary's Hospitals, Madison, Wisconsin, United States,
of Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Prospective contrast-enhanced MRI and MDCT evaluation of
165 patients presenting with non-traumatic acute
abdominal pain was obtained. Two experienced
radiologists reviewed all available clinical and imaging
data to derive an image-based diagnosis. A total of
62/165 (38%) patients were diagnosed with relevant
imaging findings other than acute appendicitis. Of
these, 30/62 (48%) of patients were diagnosed with a
non-appendiceal gastrointestinal abnormality, 31/62
(50%) with a genitourinary abnormality, and 1/62 (2%)
with an extra-abdominal abnormality.
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