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Abstract #4111

Application of Golden Angle Radial 3D Gradient Echo with k-Space Weighted Image Contrast (KWIC) for Motion-Insensitive Hepatic Arterial-Phase Imaging: Initial Experience

Puneet Sharma 1 , Kevin Johnson 2 , Alto Stemmer 3 , Bobby Kalb 1 , and Diego R Martin 1

1 Medical Imaging, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States, 2 Siemens Healthcare, Tucson, Arizona, United States, 3 Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany

The purpose of this investigation was to implement a radial 3D GRE using a golden angle acquisition scheme and KWIC reconstruction for motion-resistant hepatic arterial-phase imaging. These preliminary results show observable suppression of motion artifacts, making this acquisition strategy an effective alternative to cartesian 3D GRE for free-breathing dynamic liver imaging

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