Abstract #4101
Intra-session and Inter-session Repeatability of Diffusion Tensor Measurement in Normal Human Liver
Oi Lei Wong 1 , Gladys Goh Lo 2 , Wing Wa Li 2 , Jing Yuan 3 , Raymond Lee 2 , and Michael D. Noseworthy 4
Department of Medical Physics and Applied
Radiation Science, McMaster University, Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada,
of Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology, Hong Kong
Sanatorium & Hospital, Hong Kong, China,
Physics and Research Department, Hong Kong Sanatorium &
Hospital, Hong Kong, China,
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster
Univeristy, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Liver DTI metrics consistency is closely related to its
usefulness in treatment outcome evaluation and disease
monitoring. In this study, the inter-session and
intra-session repeatability of DT metrics were
evaluated. Based on our results, liver DT metrics were
repeatable (for both inter-session and intra-session)
when large ROI was used. Also, no improvement in DT
metrics repeatability was observed when number of
gradient directions increased.
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