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Abstract #4071

Repeatability of measurement of liver T1, T2 and PDFF by multi-TR, multi-TE single breath-hold 1 H MR spectroscopy.

Gavin Hamilton 1 , Michael S Middleton 1 , William M Haufe 1 , Jonathan C Hooker 1 , Yesenia Covarrubias 1 , Rohit Loomba 2 , and Claude B Sirlin 1

1 Department of Radiology, UC San Diego, San Diego, California, United States, 2 Department of Medicine, UC San Diego, San Diego, California, United States

We developed a rapid multi-TR, multi-TE 1 H MRS sequence for in vivo hepatic fat quantification and characterization that acquires 32 single-average spectra in a single breath-hold. We examined the intra-examination repeatability of the sequence by repeating it three times in the same location without patient repositioning. The study showed that this single-breath-hold, multi-TR, multi-TE sequence can measure liver water T1 and T2, fat T2, and proton density fat fraction with high repeatability. Repeatability for fat T1 was modest.

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