Abstract #4044
Temperature and Thermal Dose Analysis Associated with Acoustic Radiation Force from High Intensity Focused Ultrasound in Phantom for Viscoelasticity Measurement
Jiming Zhang 1 , Amol Pednekar 2 , Pei-Herng Hor 3 , and Raja Muthupillai 1
Diagnostic and Interventional radiology, CHI
St Lukes' Health, Houston, TX, United States,
Healthcare, TX, United States,
University of Houston, Houston, TX, United States
Magnetic resonance acoustic radiation force imaging
(MR-ARFI) has been used to either localize the focal
spot during high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU)
surgery or measure tissue viscoelasticity from
temporally tracking the shear wave propagation
initialize by acoustic radiation force (ARF) by an
impulse excitation of HIFU. In addition to the
mechanical effect of ARF, its thermal effect will
potentially result in temperature increase during the
MR-ARFI acquisition and may cause tissue damage in vivo
study due to the repeat application of HIFU pulse. The
results from the tissue mimicking gel phantom
demonstrate the associated temperature rise and
accumulated thermal dose during the acquisition of
tracking shear wave propagation.
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