Abstract #4020
Optimizing dose and imaging parameters in MR renography for quantitative measurement of renal function
Jeff L Zhang 1 , Christopher C Conlin 1 , Kristi Carlston 1 , Daniel Kim 1 , Glen Morrell 1 , Kathryn Morton 1 , and Vivian S Lee 1
Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, Utah, United States
Conventional measures of renal function, such as serum
Cr, are insensitive to renal disease, particularly when
only a single kidney is affected. Many have advocated
low-dose MR renography, to measure renal function
noninvasively. In this study we systematically analyzed
how the accuracy of tracer kinetic models to analyze MR
renography data depends on injected Gd dose and on image
acquisition parameters, such as TI in SR sequence.
Following a Monte Carlo simulation, we compared renal
function estimates using different protocols in 22
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