Abstract #3995
Diffusion Imaging of Mouse Kidney with Oscillating Gradients: Feasibility Study
Hua Li 1 , Feng Wang 1 , Xiaoyu Jiang 1 , Junzhong Xu 1 , and John C. Gore 1
Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States
Diffusion MRI imaging has previously been used to
evaluate both structural and functional changes in
various renal diseases. However, conventional pulsed
gradient spin echo (PGSE) methods are highly sensitive
to motion and flow artifacts. By contrast, oscillating
gradient spin echo (OGSE) diffusion methods are less
affected by bulk motion and the IVIM effect. In
addition, OGSE methods may provide new insights into
kidney microstructure at shorter length scales compared
with PGSE. The goal of this study was to assess the
feasibility of reliable in vivo diffusion measurements
in kidneys with OGSE sequences.
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