Abstract #3781
Reference-free Distortion Correction for EPI by Flipped k-space Segments (DICOFLIP)
Marco Reisert 1 and Michael Herbst 1,2
Medical Physics, University Medical Center
Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany,
of Radiology, John A. Burns School of Medicine,
Honolulu, Hawai, United States
Off-resonance effects cause distortion artefacts in
single shot EPI data, even when parallel imaging is
incorporated. Multi-shot acquisition methods can
partially solve these issues, but are susceptible to
phase differences between different shots, in particular
in DWI. In this work we combine multiplexed sensitivity
encoding (MUSE) with an interleaved bottom-up/top-down
traversal of k-space of the individual k-space segments
to completely remove susceptibility induced distortions
without any reference scan.
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