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Abstract #3716

Cardiac Susceptibility Bite Mark Artifact: Resolving the Conflict

Candice A. Bookwalter 1 , Samir D. Sharma 1 , and Scott B. Reeder 1,2

1 Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2 Department of Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States

A commonly seen bite mark susceptibility artifact in the inferolateral and anteroseptal myocardial wall in cardiac cine SSFP images can degrade morphologic and functional evaluation, particularly for R2* mapping. Two explanations have been previously proposed, that these artifacts originate from 1) the heart-lung interface or 2) deoxygenated blood in adjacent cardiac veins. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the geometry of the heart-lung interface alone accounts for "bite mark" artifacts in vivo.

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fieldpredictedcardiacsusceptibilitymapsartifactsbitemarkagreementaxialfiveheartinterfacelungmagnitudereconstructionwallwaterartifactchemicalcoildatasetsdistributionencodedin vivoinhomogeneitymyocardialmyocardiumnormalizedparticularlyqualitativereederreformattedsourcesupport