Abstract #3655
Accelerating water-fat separation for intragastric fat distribution with a signal model-based dictionary
Dian Liu 1 , Jelena Curcic 1,2 , Andreas Steingoetter 1,2 , and Sebastian Kozerke 1
Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland,
of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University Hospital
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
For quantifying the dynamics of gastrointestinal fat
digestion, imaging efficiency of multipoint gradient
echo methods must be improved. A reconstruction of fat
fraction (FF) maps for parallel MRI using signal
model-based dictionaries is proposed and studied for the
prospective and retrospective data acquisition of
intragastric fat distribution, resulting in improved
reconstruction. The performance is subject to variations
due to different echo times. FF of undersampled data was
found to be in good agreement with FF of the fully
sampled acquisition. Underestimation occurred at higher
fat fractions, which is however tolerable in terms of
the relative error.
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