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Abstract #3631

Fast Isotropic Banding-Free bSSFP Imaging Using 3D Dynamically Phase-Cycled Radial bSSFP (3D DYPR-SSFP)

Thomas Benkert 1 , Philipp Ehses 2,3 , Martin Blaimer 1 , Peter Jakob 1,4 , and Felix Breuer 1

1 Research Center Magnetic Resonance Bavaria, Wrzburg, Bavaria, Germany, 2 Department for Neuroimaging, University of Tbingen, Tbingen, Baden-Wrttemberg, Germany, 3 High-Field MR Center, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tbingen, Baden-Wrttemberg, Germany, 4 Experimental Physics 5, University of Wrzburg, Bavaria, Germany

Dynamically phase-cycled radial bSSFP (DYPR-SSFP) is a recently proposed method for fast, banding-free bSSFP imaging. Based on a dynamically changing phase-increment in combination with a (quasi-) randomly sampled radial trajectory, images without banding artifacts can be obtained from one single acquisition. Up to now, the DYPR-SSFP concept has been combined with a 2D radial trajectory, yielding slight artifacts due to the applied dynamic phase-increment. Here, the combination with a 3D radial trajectory is proposed, effectively mitigating this drawback and allowing the generation of 3D banding-free bSSFP images with high isotropic resolution.

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