Abstract #3595
Quantification of local blood oxygen saturation by MRI to distinguish ischemic core from penumbra in experimental stroke
Ligia SIMOES BRAGA BOISSERAND 1,2 , Benjamin LEMASSON 1 , Lydiane HIRSCHLER 1,2 , Violaine HUBERT 1 , Anack MOISAN 1 , Emmanuel BARBIER 1,2 , Chantal REMY 1,2 , and Olivier DETANTE 1,2
Inserm U836, Grenoble, -, France,
Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, -, France
In acute stroke, to discriminate non-salvageable
(ischemic core) from salvageable (penumbra) tissue
remains an important goal. Diffusion-MRI hypersignal
(severe decrease of apparent diffusion coefficient
(ADC)) overestimate the core, and perfusion-MRI only
provides qualitative data still debated. Thus, we
studied hemodynamic and oxygenation changes during
cerebral ischemia using blood oxygen level-dependent
(BOLD) MRI with a quantitative approach (ADC; Blood
Volume fraction, BVf; local Oxygen Saturation, lSO2).
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